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Workers Webinars


Why Webinars?

The webinar format allows us to incorporate live video, pre-recorded video, photos, text, and interactive chat in a way that provides training second only to private instruction.

We hold webinars focusing on a single topic, one that can be discussed in some depth in a 60-90 minute webinar. We may also plan a series of interrelated webinars if the subject warrants it. 

These will not be theoretical discussions; we’ll talk about tricks and moves – ways to incorporate the information into real-world performances. Plus, you’ll be able to ask questions as the webinar progresses.

Our goal is for these webinars to be affordable, to be accessible and understandable for all skill levels, and to provide you with information you can’t learn anywhere else.

New webinars coming soon!  Make sure you are on our mailing list to be the first to know about them.